Wednesday, February 20, 2013

6 Weeks Already!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013.

Today marks Baby Cuffe as 6 Weeks old! I've had about 2 weeks of aching all around my lower back and pelvis; my baby books say that it's due to my uterus expanding. It truly is amazing how the female body works and grows along with a fetus.

fetal development at six weeks illustration
Your embryo is growing at lightning speed, adding 1 millimeter to its tiny self each day. If that doesn't sound like a lot, imagine that you grew by one-third overnight and you'll appreciate how hard the little tyke is working! By the end of this week the embryo's head will be bigger than its body. It has little limb buds that are starting to lengthen into shoulders, arms, hands, and even the beginnings of fingers; and little leg buds that, by the end of this week, will lengthen into thigh, leg, and foot parts. That heartbeat that started last week has become more rhythmic and regular, and the heart has divided into two (of four) chambers so far. But this week's biggest news is that the embryo is growing an umbilical cord, its lifeline to nutrients and oxygen and its constant companion for the next 34 or so weeks!
In two weeks we get to hear baby's heart beat for the first time! I know I'm going to cry, but they will be very happy tears. 

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